2nd Portrait Manipulation Shoot
For this shoot I took inspiration from the artist/photographer Michelangelo Da Battista who looks at photography, creative direction, styling and beauty. As well as photographing his subjects, he also edits them using various medias. I have taken a photo shoot in the college studio using a Nikon SLR camera. I put subtle makeup onto my subject so that it didn’t distract from the editing i added. I think the photos have been successful but on my next shoots I am going to concentrate on the lighting and tones within the image, as some are more exposed than others.

Using my most successful images I completed these edits manually rather than digitally. I firstly edited the images in Photoshop to black and white and then printed them off onto cartridge paper. Taking inspiration from my Michelangelo Di Battista research I edited the images using acrylic paint in various colours using the same techniques as Battista. I then also sewed into the images as Battista does in his.
I like the way these images have turned out and the effect the paint and thread has on them. I also think they portray hidden identity as the subject's face is covered/hidden.