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1st Initial Shoot


This is my initial photo shoot that I took over the summer to inspire me for ideas and get inspiration for themes etc. I took these photographs in Portugal. I tried to concentrate on looking at textures, shapes and repetition within different building and in the landscape. I also looked at the culture and how lives of the people differ in this culture compared to how we live our lives. To move on from this shoot I am going to conduct a portrait shoot in college looking which will be quite simple in order for me then to overlay some of these landscape images. My idea behind this is looking at a person’s identity and it’s a way you can cover or hide it, I could also link the idea of the second image has a meaning to the person e.g. it’s the place where born or grew up, I am going to try this digitally first and also try it manually. 

have chosen my most successful images from this shoot. I like this image that I have taken and think it is one of the stronger ones. 


I took this image using a when I was visiting Portugal. When taking this image I tried to show perspective throughout. The original image was slightly underexposed so I edited it slightly in Photoshop by increasing the brightness and contrast. 


I think I achieved the effect I wanted too when taking this image, and I am happy with the outcome. If I were reshooting the image I would try and get different angles within the image to see the different effects and get close up shots of the different textures and shapes within the image. 


I like the culture and location this image shows, and how the different buildings show that it is from a different location, with the pastel warm toned colours. 

These two images are more portraying the lives of the locals. I focused on trying to convey their everyday lives and how it differs from how we live ours. 


In the first image most of the background is dropped out of focus, but some parts of the foreground are more in focus. I think this image has worked well but I would have made more of a contrast between the different focuses, If I were to re-shoot this. 


For the second image I tried to focus on the lady on the right. Looking at her clothes and how they differ from the way we wear ours. Perspective is also shown in the image. I like the outcome of this image as I have achieved what I hoped. 

From this first initial photo shoot I am going to start to experiment with overlaying in Photoshop. I am going to conduct a portrait shoot in the studio and take inspiration from my first photographer research-Matt Wisniewski. 

This is my first initial photo shoot following my theme. I took inspiration from my first artist research Matt Wisniewski for this shoot. I used a Nikon SLR camera in the college studio to shoot these photographs. I got my subject matter to look as plain and simple as possible, by putting her hair up and not getting a shot of any clothes in the image.  I got her to do simple portrait poses both looking at the camera and looking away or in another direction, with both close up and distant shots. It was important to make sure these were simple images, as I wanted to overlay my Portugal landscape images on top. I think these images have worked quite well and I like the different angles. If I were to do this shoot again I would ensure that the lighting matches on each of the different photographs as some of the images are more exposed than others. 



I created these edits in Photoshop. To do this I took one of the most successful images from my first photo shoot and opened it up in Photoshop. I then took one of the more textural images from my first Portugal shoot and opened it up in Photoshop. I then used the overlay tool to overlay both the images. This is the result. I like the result of this image and I think it's worked well; there is a good contrast between the light and dark tones in the image and the colours work well with the portrait image. I like the textural aspect and I am going to continue to look at different textures within photography. 


These are another two edits I did on Photoshop using the same technique.  On these two edits I erased some of the overlapping landscape image so that the effect was only on the portrait.  I also tried using a different landscape image to see what the effect would be. I think these have turned out quite well and I like the effect they give, If I were to do this shoot again I would concentrate on blending the two images more and changing the colours to see what the outcome would be. I am going to continue to look at textural photography within portrait and landscape images to further develop my ideas. I am also going to continue to conduct photo shoots that link with my theme of work. 

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